9 Jan 2013

Tree Tags

Location: Queen's Park
Date photo taken: 11 December 2013

Many trees around the city are now sporting small metal tags, just above eye level. Some of those tags are painted green. They mark ash trees that are healthy enough to be good candidates for inoculation by a product called TreeAzin™. TreeAzin™ helps protect ash trees against the ravages of the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive insect species that has taken up residence in Toronto and threatens to wipe out the city’s population of ash trees by 2017. That’s about 860,000 trees. It’s too expensive to treat every tree, especially since it has to be repeated every two years, so the city is prioritizing high value trees. If you’re a home owner and have an ash tree on your property, take note: if it succumbs to the bug, and most experts expect that most untreated trees in the city will, you will be financially responsible for having the dead tree removed. For more information, visit the City of Toronto’s page on Emerald Ash Borers.

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