28 May 2014

Italian Greyhound - Woofstock 2014

Location: Woofstock, Woodbine Park
Date photo taken: 25 May 2014

I almost missed it this year! Woofstock, Toronto's annual outdoor festival for dogs, snuck up on me. It was held last weekend, a few weeks earlier than usual, and it moved to a new location, Woodbine Park. The park setting seemed much more natural for an event of this type and there was plenty of room for everyone to move around but I missed all the restaurant patios on the sidelines where you could sit, have a cold drink, and watch all the cuteness go by. Despite not spending the hours and hours there that I have in the past, I did manage to pick my "it" dog for 2014. While there was a stunning number of bulldogs and Shiba Inu, I also noticed that there were quite a lot of these diminutive dogs, which I am told are Italian greyhounds. As I don't recall seeing nearly as many in past years, I'm giving them the title this year.

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