29 Jul 2015

Across Time and Space

composite image showing two figures fromKen Lum's Toronto sculpture Across Time and Space

Location: Pedestrian walkway running west from Bay St., just south of Dundas
Date photo taken: 17 Nov 2013

This composite image brings together two ends of a public art piece which adorns a pedestrian link between Bay Street and the relatively new Motion by Concert rental apartments. It beautifully fits the space, providing interest at both ends of this narrow lane. Two children sit and gaze at each other down the length of the alley. On the wall between them, the name of the piece: "Across time and space, two children of Toronto meet..."  The piece is the work of Canadian artist Ken Lum and it speaks to Toronto's identity as a city of immigrants, to the ways in which we interact and accept each other as fellow urban citizens, and to the passage of time. The work was commissioned as part of the City of Toronto's Percent for Public Art Program, and was completed in 2013.


  1. I live near here and I can confirm that these two sculptures are really creepy especially at night.

  2. Beautiful piece of work. Love the kids faces' expression
