26 May 2021


Close up of a lilac bloom, consisting of a multitude of smaller, flowers. Flowers are purple with white around the edges.

Location: Riverside neighbourhood
Date photo taken: 24 May 2021

During COVID and especially during the most recent lockdown, my walks have been more about the need to get out and move and less about exploration. Covering the same local streets over and over again, things get pretty familiar. Thankfully, the city is now in bloom. These days I find myself taking pictures of flowers more often than murals. A huge thank you to all of the gardeners out there who plant and tend these beauties! Lately I've been pretty much walking from lilac bush to lilac bush, pausing to inhale deeply at each one. While I have a standard route designed to provide maximum lilac exposure, I deviated on the weekend and discovered this gorgeous specimen. I looked it up and it's called a Sensation lilac. I'd say that's pretty apt. Some other things I learned are that lilacs are not native to Canada - they're from Eastern Europe and Asia originally - and are in fact related to olive trees. They can live to over 100 and come in shades of purple, pink, white and yellow.

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous picture and what lovely commentary. Yes, it has been so special to walk around all the lilac bushes this spring! Did you see the glorious Blood Moon last night? Also, very dreamy...
